317 North Henson Street
PO Box 9
Lake City, CO 81235
Phone 970-944-2225 ext: 120
Deputy Clerk ext: 121
Fax 970-944-2202
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Located downstairs in the Hinsdale County Courthouse.
Joan Roberts - County Clerk
Allison Athey - Deputy Clerk
The Hinsdale County Clerk can assist you with:
- Voter Registration
- Vehicle Title and Registration
- Election Information
- Recording
- Liquor Licenses for the County of Hinsdale
Marriage Licenses
Colorado Marriage License Requirements are as follows:
- Both parties 18+ need to be present with photo ID’s (driver’s license). If either party has been widowed or divorced, you will need to know the date and place. You will also need to know the last known residence (city/state) of your parents. Provide the last 4 digits of your social security numbers.
- You have 35 days before the wedding date to come in and do your license. The fee is $30.00.
- If there is going to be a name change, we can provide certified copies for $3.00 each. (People normally get 3 $9.00) making total cost for all $39.00, Cash or Check. The wedding couple has 63 days to return their license to our office for recording. Please call the County Clerk’s Office at 970-944-2225 ext.2 if you have any more questions.
Fees -
- Copies: letter, $.25 page, legal, plats, $5 page
- Recording: $13 first page, $5 each additional page (per document)
- Documentary: $.01 per $100 of purchase price is sale is over $500
- Security Agreement Filings: $5 per page up to legal size, $10 per page over legal
- Faxing: $3 first three pages, $1 each additional page
- E-mailing fees: $3 first three pages, $1 each additional page
- Marriage License: $30
- Mailing Expenses: Actual postage costs
- Effective January 1, 2021 there will be a NSF charge for any returned checks

All elections are now conducted by mail. For questions about receiving a ballot, call Hinsdale County at 944-2225 and select the clerk's extension.